Vae Victis/Histoire et Collections (1995 - present)
Product Type:
Non-ASL Magazine with ASL Scenarios, Periodical
Country of Origin:
Regular ASL scenarios
Vae Victis is a popular French-language wargaming magazine that contains a complete wargame in every bimonthly issue (with unmounted counters; beginning in 2009, this was reduced to a “mini-game”). It was started in 1995 by Theophilus Monnier, who had been editor of the ASL magazine Tactiques. Because of this, it was natural that Vae Victis would include ASL content in its pages. Not every issue of Vae Victis includes an ASL scenario, but many of them do; as a result, Vae Victis has become one of the longest-running publishers of ASL content. Vae Victis has published over scores of ASL scenarios since it began; most of the scenarios are East Front actions, with a sprinkling of West Front or Mediterranean scenarios. Somewhat bizarrely, there have not been any PTO scenarios in Vae Victis.
Most of the scenarios have been designed by Philippe Naud; typically, they are in color and feature “official” artwork. Some of the early scenarios have a reputation for errata or problems. As time went on, Vae Victis ASL scenarios increasingly tended to be tournament-sized (i.e. 8-14 squads and <6 vehicles per side or so), which makes them pretty playable (as long as one can read French, or get a translation).
In 2009, it was announced by German wargame company Udo Grebe Gamedesign that it would publish an “international” edition of Vae Victis that would translate articles and games from French into English for an international audience. This fell through.
Starting with issue #122, Vae Victis was no longer published by Histoire & Collections but rather by Cérigo Edition, though with the same editor.
Issue | ASL Scenario or Campaign |
#1 (February-March 1995) | VV1 Ceux du Bataillon Foch (Slovakia, September 1944). |
#2 (April-May 1995) | VV2 Le Pont du 3 Commando (Sicily, July 1943). |
#5 (November-December 1995) | VV3 A L’Assaut de Gambshein (Alsace, January 1945). |
#9 (July-August 1996) | VV4 Les Chasses d’Hugo (USSR, September 1942). |
#10 (September-October 1996) | VV5 Les Jeux Sont Faits (France, June 1944). |
#11 (November-December 1996) | VV6 La Mort Du Dragon (France, May 1940). |
#12 (January-February 1997) | VV7 Le Courage des Mahrattes (Italy, April 1945). |
#13 (March-April 1997) | VV8 Les Chariots de Feu (Italy, November 1943).VV9 No Han Pasado (Spain, March 1937). |
#14 (May-June 1997) | VV10 Trop Peu, Trop Tôt (Tunisia, November 1942). |
#15 (July-August 1997) | Campaign VV1 Aux Portes du Reich (Germany, October 1944). This is a five scenario campaign game (featuring U.S.-German fighting) that uses modified Red Barricades rules and geomorphic mapboards. |
#16 (September-October 1997) | VV11 Un Prince Dans l’Etau (Yugoslavia, October 1944). |
#17 (November-December 1997) | VV12 La GD Sort Ses Griffes (USSR, August 1943). |
#18 (January-February 1998) | VV13 Sure Les Chemins de Rome (Italy, September 1943). |
#19 (March-April 1998) | VV14 La Flèche Brisée (Belgium, December 1944). |
#20 (May-June 1998) | VV15 Piege A Marche (Belgium, May 1940). |
#21 (July-August 1998) | VV16 Petite Terre (USSR, February 1943).This issue also contains the first of a four part series introducing people to ASL: “Debuter A ASL: N’ayez plus peur du monster.”
Alain Borel currently hosts an English translation of this series on his Web site. |
#22 (September-October 1998) | VV17 Plus Un Pas En Arriere (USSR, September 1942).This issue also contains the second of a four part series introducing people to ASL: “Debuter A ASL: L’artillerie hors-carte et les canons.”
Alain Borel currently hosts an English translation of this series on his Web site. |
#23 (November-December 1998) | VV18 Tempête Sur Mariupol (USSR, October 1941).This issue also contains the third of a four part series introducing people to ASL: “Debuter A ASL: Les Blindés et les véhicules.”
Alain Borel currently hosts an English translation of this series on his Web site. |
#24 (January-February 1999) | VV19 Surgis de L’Enfer (France, July 1944).This issue also contains the fourth of a four part series introducing people to ASL: “Debuter A ASL: Revue d’ensemble.”
Alain Borel currently hosts an English translation of this series on his Web site. |
#25 (March-April 1999) | VV20 Panzerschlacht (USSR, February 1943). |
#26 (May-June 1999) | VV21 Alcazar (Poland, September 1939). |
#27 (July-August 1999) | VV22 Coeur de Lion (France, June 1944). |
#28 (September-October 1999) | VV23 Le Mors Aux Dents (Poland, September 1939). |
#29 (November-December 1999) | VV24 Freres Ennemis (USSR, November 1942). |
#33 (July-August 2000) | VV25 Impitoyable (Germany, April 1945). |
#35 (November-December 2000) | VV26 (it is identified mistakenly as VV35 on the scenario card) Baroud d’Honneur (Algeria, November 1942). |
#37 (March-April 2001) | VV27 Pas Savoir (Belgium, May 1940). |
#39 (July-August 2001) | VV28 Trois Mousquetaires (Egypt, November 1956). |
#42 (January-February 2002) | VV29 Les Cavaliers (Poland, September 1939). |
#43 (March-April 2002) | VV30 Panzerkeil (USSR, June 1942). |
#46 (September-October 2002) | VV31 Infante! (USSR, September 1941). |
#48 (January-February 2003) | VV32 A Contre Pied (Luxembourg, December 1944). |
#50 (May-June 2003) | VV33 Echec Sur Le Chirich (Tunisia, April 1943). |
#52 (September-October 2003) | VV34 Pas Si Vite! (USSR, July 1943). |
#55 (March-April 2004) | VV35 Les Griffes Du Lynx (USSR, November 1943). |
#57 (July-August 2004) | VV36 Crack Babies (France, June 1944). |
#58 (September-October 2004) | VV37 La Bataille d’Alger (Algeria, November 1942). |
#59 (November-December 2004) | VV38 Les Lions de Belfort (France, November 1944). |
#61 (March-April 2005) | VV39 Le Choc des Titans (Poland, January 1945). |
#63 (July-August 2005) | VV40 Le Talon D’Achille (France, May 1940). |
#64 (September-October 2005) | VV41 20 Ans Apres… (Germany, September 1939). Germans vs. French.VV42 Per l’Onore (Italy, April 1945). U.S. vs. Italians. |
#66 (January-February 2006) | VV43 Panzer Dans La Brume (Poland, January 1945). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#68 (May-June 2006) | VV44 Tempete Rouge (USSR, July 1944). Hungarians vs. Soviets. |
#70 (September-October 2006) | VV45 Sous l’Etoile Rouge (Hungary, 1945). Soviets (with Hungarian vehicles!) vs. Hungarians. A fun scenario. |
#72 (January-February 2007) | VV46 “Stalin Panzer?” (USSR, 1944). Germans vs. Soviets. |
Hors Série N° 6 | This special issue has two ASL scenarios, one set in France 1940 and one set in the USSR in 1943.VV47 Fors l’Honneur! (France, 1940). French vs. Germans.
VV48 Furor Teutonicus (USSR, 1943). Soviets vs. Germans (Waffen SS). |
#75 (July-August 2007) | VV47 Les Phalanges de L’Ordre Noir (USSR, 1943). |
#76 (September-October 2007) | VV48 Un Coup De Main? (USSR, 1943). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#77 (November-December 2007) | VV49 L’Ennemi De Mon Ennemi (Poland, 1944) . Soviets and Polish partisans vs. Germans. |
#78 (January-February 2008) | VV50 Margarethe-Stellung (Hungary, 1944). Hungarians and Germans vs. Soviets.Also a 2-page overview of the ASL Starter Kit. |
Hors-Serie 10 | This special issue has two scenarios, presumably VV51 and VV52, set in 1942 in the USSR and Algeria, respectively. |
#82 (September-October 2008) | VV53 KG “W” (Romania, 1944). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#84 (January-February 2009) | VV54 Le Coup De Grace (Tunisia, 1943). Germans vs. French. |
#85 (March-April 2009) | Non-ASL Note: With this issue, Vae Victis stopped producing a full game in each issue, instead producing a smaller mini-game.VV55 Nettoyage D’Ete (USSR, 1943). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#86 (May-June 2009) | VV56 Victoire Perdue (Anzio, Italy, 1944). Germans vs. Americans and British. |
Hors Série N° 10 | This special issue features Crete 1941, but apparently contains an ASL scenario set in the Soviet Union in 1942. |
Hors Série N° 11 | Special issue featuring Operation Market Garden. Includes two Market Garden ASL scenarios.VV57 Tiger Route (Arnhem, 1944). Germans vs. British.
VV58 L’Heure Du The (Netherlands, 1944). British and Americans vs. Germans. It looks interesting. |
#87 (July-August 2009) | VV59 Cedez Le Passage! (France 1940). Germans vs. French. (a meaty meeting engagement scenario) |
#88 (September-October 2009) | VV60 Bapteme Du Feu (Kharkov, Soviet Union, 1942). Germans vs. Soviets. |
#89 (November-December 2009) | VV61 Le Chasseur (Hungary 1944). |
Hors Série N° 12 | VV62 Touchez Pas Au Grisbi! (France 1944). Partisans vs. Germans.VV63 Un Village Hongrois (Hungary 1944). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#90 (January-February 2010) | VV64 Les Pompiers De Tchernobyl (Soviet Union, 1943). Germans vs. Soviets. |
#91 (March-April 2010) | ASLSK VV01 Contre Attaque À Gela (Sicily, 1943). Americans vs. Italians |
#92 (May-June 2010) | VV65 Les Panzers Passent La Meuse (Belgium, 1940). Germans vs. French. |
#93 (July-August 2010) | VV66 Le Retour de la Bête (France, 1944). Partisans vs. Germans. |
Hors Série N° 13 | VV66 La Saisie De Saida (Libya, 1941). British vs. French.VV67 Le Diable Rouge (Syria, 1941). British vs. French. |
#94 (September-October 2010) | VV69 Espoirs… (Soviet Union, 1942). Soviets vs. Romanians/Germans. |
Hors Série N° 14 | VV70 Schwarzau (Poland, 1945). Soviets vs. Germans.VV71 L’Annee Du Loup-Garou (Germany, 1945). French vs. Germans/Partisans. |
#95 (November-December 2010) | VV70 Panzer 44 (France, 1944). Americans vs. Germans. |
#96 (January-February 2011) | VV72 11 vs 11 (Soviet Union, 1942). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#97 (March-April 2011) | VV73 Un Chaudron Balkanique (Yugoslavia, 1944). Yugoslav Partisans/Soviets vs. Germans. |
#98 (May-June 2011) | VV74 La Garde au Rhine (France, 1945). Americans/French vs. Germans. |
#99 (July-August 2011) | VV75 Un Beau Petrin… (France, 1940). French vs. Germans. |
#100 (September-October 2011) | VV75 Les Taxis De Tobrouk (Libya, 1941). British vs. Italian. |
#101 (November-December 2011) | VV76 X-Men (Sicily, 1943) Americans vs. Italians. |
#103 (March-April 2012) | VV77 Rome, Ville Ouverte? (Italy, 1944). Americans vs. Germans. |
#104 (May-June 2012) | VV78 Mamma Mia! (Greece/Dodecanese, 1943). British/Italians vs. Germans/Italians. |
#105 (July-August 2012) | VV79 Au Sortir Du Coupe-Gorge (Italy, 1944). British/Americans vs. Germans. |
#106 (September-October 2012) | VV80 Ils Attaquaient Odessa (Soviet Union, 1941). Soviets vs Romanians. |
#107 (November-December 2012) | VV81 Un Ami dans le Besoin (Soviet Union, 1941). Soviets vs. Hungarians. |
#108 (January-February 2013) | VV82 Delivrance (France, 1944). Americans vs. Germans. |
#109 (March-April 2013) | VV83 Wojna Blyskawiczna (Poland, 1939). Polish vs. Germans. |
#110 (May-June 2013) | VV84 Soeurs D’Armes (Soviet Union, 1942). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#111 (July-August 2013) | VV85 Desespérés (Soviet Union, 1943). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#112 (September-October 2013) | VV86 Das Dicke Ende Kommt Noch ! (Italy, 1944). Americans vs. Germans. |
#113 (November-December 2013) | VV87 Dieu Est Avec Nous ! (Tunisia, 1942). French vs. Germans. |
#114 (January-February 2014) | VV88 Attaque En Birmanie (Burma 1942). British/Chinese vs. Japanese. |
#115 (March-April 2014) | VV89 Le Pont de Krepeni (Greece 1941). Greeks vs. Germans. |
#116 (May-June 2014) | VV90 Neige Rouge (Soviet Union 1941). Soviet vs. German. |
#118 (September-October 2014) | VV91 Le Retour De La 7e Compagnie (France 1944). French/Partisans vs. Germans. |
#119 (November-December 2014) | VV92 Pancelos Hodosztaly (Hungary 1944). Soviet vs. Hungarian. |
#120 (Special Issue, Colmar 1945) | VV92 La Bête aux Abois (France 1945). Free French vs. German |
#121 (May-June 2015) | VV94 La Montagne Tragique (Yugoslavia, 1944). Yugoslav Partisans vs. Germans. |
#122 (July-August 2015) | VV95 Tiedusteluoperaation (Soviet Union, 1941). Soviets vs. Finns/Germans.
VV96 Z-Day (Italy, 1943). British vs. Germans. |
#124 (November-December 2015) | VV97 Promenade a Viipuri (Finland, 1944). Soviets vs. Finns.
VV98 Bain de Sang à Sosfurdo (Hungary, 1944). Soviets/Romanians vs. Hungarians/Germans. |
#125 (January-February 2016) | VV99 Sous Le Soleil (Somalia, 1940). British vs. Italians |
#126 (March-April 2016) | VV100 La Chance du Diable (Soviet Union, 1944). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#127 (May-June 2016) | VV101 Piètre Baroud a Mahitsy (Madagascar, 1942). British vs. Vichy French. |
#128 (July-August 2016) | VV102 Sur La Route de Leningrad (Soviet Union, 1941). Soviets vs. Germans. |
#129 (September-October 2016) | VV103 Grelot et Tete de Mort (France, 1940). French vs. Germans. |
#130 (November-December 2016) | VV104 Pris Au Piege (Soviet Union, 1944). Romanians vs. Germans. |
#131 (January-February 2017) | VV105 Brexit (France, 1942). Allies vs. Germans. |
NOTE: | Vae Victis continued after 2017, and continued producing ASL scenarios, but they are no longer being tracked by Desperation Morale, because it takes too much time/effort to identify and track them without subscribing. VV had an ASL scenario at least as late as #175 (July-August 2024). |
Thanks for having the website. can you tell me what issues have ASL scenarios and what the scenarios are about.
What issues of Vae Victis have ASL Scenarios and what they are about.
I don’t know how they got left off. I have re-added them.
Some of the Vae Victus ASL scenarios are very good. Well worth getting cheap copies if possible. I can read French but honestly most of the information is easy to guess without needing this requirement.
As of issue 122, Vae Victis ceased to be published by Histoire & Collections but continues to be managed by its editor Nicolas Stratigos. ASL content still continues in the new issues.
This is a dead link as of 3-6-2016.
The few I have that aren’t listed:
#102: Sur La Route De Leningrad (On The Road To Leningrad), Soviet Union near Luga, July 12th 1941 Soviet vs German, 4.5 Turns
#103: Grelot & Tête de Mort (Jingle bells & Skulls), France, L’Arbre-de-Guise, May 19th 1940, French vs German, 7 Turns
#104: Pris Au Piège (Trapped), Soviet Union, Novo Kerlut, April 13th 1941, Soviet vs Romanian, 4.5 Turns