Alternative Titles/Edition History:
Tactics & Strategy
Taktyka I Strategia (2000- )
Product Type:
Non-ASL Magazine with ASL Scenarios
Country of Origin:
Non-ASL wargaming magazine with game included. In 2015, the magazine began including the occasional ASL or ASLSK scenario.
Taktyka I Strategia (TIS) is an irregularly-published Polish wargaming magazine that began in 2000. It follows in the footsteps of the old U.S. magazine Strategy & Tactics and many other wargaming magazines in including a game in each issue.
The magazine is in Polish although beginning with #40 there has also been an English-language version of the magazine as Tactics & Strategy.
Starting with TIS #40 in 2015, the magazine began to include the occasional ASL or ASLSK scenario in its pages. The TIS #40 scenarios seem to be ASLSK.
- Taktyka I Strategia 40 (January 2015)
- Escape from Festung Thorn, Poland 1945 (Soviets vs. Germans) (ASLSK)
- Armoured Village, Poland 1945 (Polish vs. Germans) (ASLSK?)
It is not known if there are ASL or ASLSK scenarios in TIS #41 or TIS #42. As of 2017, it is not clear that any issues past #42 were released.
There are 2 more scenarios in Taktyka I Strategia #41:
– Popel’s Attack (Germans vs. Russians 1941)
– Pomerania in Flames (Poles vs. Germans 1945)
Three of the four scenarios have an ELR, none has a SAN.
All four scenarios use ASLSK boards only.
So it looks like all four scenarios in TiS #40+41 are ASLSK.