Tactiques (1993)
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48-page magazine, including 8 scenarios as magazine pages
The focus of this issue is on Senegalese troops in France in 1940, with articles on their service and organization. In addition, there is also a Series Replay of a Red Barricades campaign game, a detailed flow chart and guide to Overruns, and a historical article on Bir-Hakeim.
This issue only had 8 scenarios:
TAC31 Par Saint Georges / By Saint Georges! Belgium 1940 (French vs. Germans)
TAC32 Contre-attaque a Connage / Counterstroke in Connage. France 1940 (French vs. Germans)
TAC33 Carre d’as / Four Aces. Belgium 1940 (French vs. Germans)
TAC34 Thulin doit etre pris! / Thulin Must Be Taken! Belgium 1940 (French vs. Germans)
TAC35 Envers et contre tous / In Spite of all Opposition. Libya 1942 (Free French vs. Italians/Germans) (desert)
TAC36 La mort vient du ciel / Death from the Sky. Yugoslavia 1944 (Yugoslav partisans vs. Germans) (air drop)
TAC37 Chaud! Chaud les buron! / Chestnuts! Hot Chestnuts! France 1944 (Canadians/British vs. Germans)
TAC38 Whoa Mohammed! / Whoa Mohammed! Netherlands 1944 (British vs. Germans)
There are several scenarios worth trying in this issue, including TAC31 (Par Saint Georges!/By Saint George!), TAC32 (Contre-attaque à Connage/Counterstroke in Connage), and TAC34 (Thulin doit etra pris!/Thulin Must Be Taken!), among others. This is one of the better issues of Tactiques.
English translations of the scenarios can be downloaded here.
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