Alternative Titles/Edition History:
aka Southern Cross Scenario Pack '96
Southern Cross (1997; revised 1999)
Product Type:
Scenario Pack
6 scenarios
The Southern Cross scenarios were created by John Skillman for the Southern Cross ASL tournament, a tournament held only once in East Tennessee. Skillman made them available upon request some time afterwards. Some of the scenarios were revised slightly in 1999.
Today they can be freely downloaded from Desperation Morale, thanks to the kindness of John Skillman.
Several years later, MMP reprinted them as official scenarios in Out of the Attic #2.
The scenarios are:
- SX1 La Drole De Guerre. Germany 1939 (French vs. Germans)
- SX2 The Amy H. France 1940 (British vs. Germans)
- SX3 Raider Ridge. New Georgia 1943 (Americans vs. Japanese)
- SX4 With Friends Like These. Morocco 1942 (Americans vs. Vichy French)
- SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow. Germany 1945 (Soviets vs. Germans)
- SX8 Scratch Force. Germany 1945 (Americans vs. Germans)
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