DC Conscripts ASL Club (2017)
Product Type:
Newsletter with Scenarios
Country of Origin:
United States
Newsletter of approx 10-12pp length, inc. one or two text-based scenarios.
Red Banner is an ASL newsletter created by and largely for members of the DC Conscripts, a Washington, D.C., area ASL club. That club had a previous newsletter, ‘Scripts, which faded into oblivion, as hobby newsletters tend to do. Red Banner began in early 2017 with the promise of appearing quarterly, a schedule that may be difficult to sustain with new content. The editor appears to be John Gorkowski.
Red Banner takes the form of a 10-12 page newsletter apparently created as a Word document with no newsletter-style layout.
Issue #1 contained excerpts of an old Department of the Army pamphlet (part of the series of manuscripts created by captured German Army officers after the war and widely reprinted since, as they are not copyrighted) and an AAR of a recent club game day.
Issue #2 contained an analysis of ASL rules in light of articles about battles in the May 1940 campaign and an AAR.
Both issues to date have also contained scenarios. The scenarios are unformatted–that is, they appear simply as text, which was acceptable in the 1980s but puzzling now, given how easy it is to lay out a scenario. The scenarios do not mention designers or playtesters but may be designed by John Gorkowski.
Issue | Scenarios |
Issue #1. First Quarter, 2017. | DCRB1 Wave upon Wave. Soviet Union 1942 (Soviets vs. Germans). Large. |
Issue #2. Second Quarter, 2017. | DCRB2 When the Odds were Even. Belgium 1940 (French vs. Germans). Small. DCRB3 Forgotten Epic. Belgium 1940 (French vs. Germans). Large. |
2024 Notes: Red Banner has continued its publication run as an irregular–but aspiring to be quarterly–newsletter, with its issues downloadable (now as PDF files) here. The scenarios in later issues have a more standard formatting and are identified as being designed by John Gorkowski.
Assume this newsletter for club members only,or is it available to other ASL players???
Mark Drake
Both issues are available to others, but you kind of have to hunt for them, as they are not in any logical place.
Update: they are available on the DC Conscripts’ Facebook group. (Search “DC Conscripts”)
Issue 2017-Q3:
– DCRB4 Tigers on the Narva Line – Russia 1944 (Germans vs. Russians) – OBA
Issue 2017-Q4:
– DCRB5 Inside the Wire – French Indo-China 1952 (French vs. Vietminh) – PTO, NIGHT
I did “Tigers on the Narva Line”. Comments, criticism welcome.
(It was my first attempt)
Inside the Wire scenario is not DCRB5 but IC (Indo-China) 01 instead.
Correction: Both scenarios in Issues 2017-Q3 and 2017-Q4 don’t have scenario-Ids (I had assumed they have).
New is Issue 2018-Q1 with scenario:
– DCRB4 Overlooked – Germany 1944 (Germans vs. Americans)