Critical Hit (1995)
Product Type:
Scenario Pack
Country of Origin:
13 scenarios
This early scenario pack was distributed by Critical Hit, has counter art copyrighted by Critical Hit, and is listed as a Critical Hit product, but is copyrighted and was “produced” by SS-BAR Enterprises (SS-BAR apparently stood for Steven Swann and Bruce A. Rhinehart).
The baker’s dozen of scenarios all feature the U.S. Marine Corps. Few of the scenarios have seen that much play; one reason may be that many of the scenarios tend to be large (one scenario has 52 Japanese squads alone!) and/or complicated (featured in various scenarios are beach rules, air support, bombardments, night rules, panjis, NOBA, seaborne assaults, caves, and boobytraps). USMC aficionados might want this; for most others it can be a lower priority.
Situations include Guadalcanal 1942 (2), New Georgia 1943 (2), Apamama Atoll 1943, Tarawa 1943, Saipan 1944 (2), Tinian 1944, Guam 1944 (3), Okinawa 1945 (1)
LN8 (White Beach 1) is a seaborne assault. LN12 (Nightmare at Naha) is DASL.
Because CH did not purchase outright the rights to this product, it is one of few products never reprinted by Critical Hit and is thus somewhat rare.
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