Graal (1987-1990)
Product Type:
Non-ASL Magazine with ASL Scenarios, Periodical
Country of Origin:
Occasional ASL article or scenario
Graal Magazine was a short-lived French gaming magazine published by Socomer Editions from 1987-1990. Its (French-language) content consisted mostly of role-playing related articles but also contained articles on wargames.
In various issues, Graal published the occasional article about ASL and allegedly printed 7 different ASL scenarios in various issues.
Six have been identified (help would be nice in finding the other). The scenarios identified to date have all been designed by Omar Jeddaoui, who did most of the ASL content that appeared in the magazine.
Given when and where these scenarios were published, they probably would not hold up to today’s standards.
- Graal #2 (December 1987). Jusqu’ Au dernier. Germany 1944 (Americans vs. Germans)
- Graal #7 (April 1988).
- Les Nids de Mitrailleuses. Poland 1945 (Soviets vs. Germans)
- Chasse au Tigre. Soviet Union 1944 (Soviets vs. Germans)
- Sus aux Mortiers. Soviet Union 1944 (Soviets vs. Germans)
- On L’Appelait Blietzkriegov. Soviet Union 1944 (Soviets vs. Germans)
- Graal #13 (January 1989). Mourir a Madrid. Spain 1936 (Republicans vs. Nationalists. This was later reprinted, exactly, and essentially as a curiosity, by Le Franc Tireur in Le Franc Tireur #6.
A total of 10 scenarios were published in this French magazine: 8 for ASL and 2 for SL/COI. Here is the list:
GM/ASL1 Jusqu’au dernier Graal #02
GM/ASL2 Les nids de Mitrailleuses Graal #06
GM/ASL3 Chasse au Tigre Graal #06
GM/ASL4 Sus aux mortiers Graal #06
GM/ASL5 On l’appelait Blietzkriegov Graal #06
GM/ASL6 Les monstres attaquent Graal #07
GM/COI1 Les loups et les agneaux Graal #08
GM/COI Les 37 Graal #13
GM/ASL Mourir à Madrid Graal #13
GM/ASL Une Belle Pagaille Graal #20
GM/ASL6 Les monstres attaquent Graal #07. East Front 1945. Fictional scenario (Germans vs. Soviets)
GM/COI1 Les loups et les agneaux Graal #08. Praha 1945. Germans vs. Soviets.
GM/COI Les 37 Graal #13. Soviet Union 1941. Soviets vs. Germans.
GM/ASL Une Belle Pagaille Graal #20. Arnhem 1944. British vs. Germans.