Alternative Titles/Edition History:
AKA Sisu 1: Freedom's Price
Critical Hit (2020)
Product Type:
Scenario/Map Pack
Country of Origin:
Desperation Morale has not examined this product and cannot verify claims of its alleged contents. It seems to have 4 unmounted 12" x 18" nonstandard geoboards, ? scenarios, and 1.5 1/2" countersheets (420 counters total).
Note: Critical Hit publishes products at a high volume and its products have a general history of quality control issues. Critical Hit provides no review/evaluation copies and typically prices its products very high. For all these reasons, Desperation Morale no longer acquires all, or even most, Critical Hit products for analysis and write-up on this website.
This entry, then, is not a typical Desperation Morale write-up but rather more of a placeholder and historical marker. If Desperation Morale ever acquires a copy of this product, this placeholder entry will be replaced by a full write-up.
Freedom’s Price, aka Sisu 1: Freedom’s Price, is a scenario map/pack published by Critical Hit in 2020, part of a series of “Freedom’s Price” packs each featuring a specific nationality. It is not clear if the scenarios here are original or if they are cribbed from similar Critical Hit products such as Fire & Ice, Betrayed by General Winter, or Red Ice. It is certainly possible. Critical Hit does not say how many scenarios it has, only that they take place during the Winter War.
The product also allegedly comes with 4 unmounted and nonstandard geoboards that are approximately 12″ by 18″, i.e., the size of the standard map panel that is easiest for Critical Hit to print (look for this to be more common). The boards are presented with “winterized” graphics.
Critical Hit claims that the product includes a half-countersheet of Finnish MMC as well as a full countersheet of Soviet Infantry/SW.
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