ASLOK 2011 1st Sat Morning, Mostly empty 1st Saturday, “Wild Bill” vs. “Mild Hennie” JR Tracy vs. Steve Pleva, all the way from NY and they play each other. JR’s cap hides a conjoined twin. Some guys had the Wingen-Sur-Moden map from Nordic Twilight in play This looks like my Italians dying in Messervy’s Men […]
04.25.10 Same Old Same Old? The Presence (or Lack) of Innovation in ASL
As I write this entry, postal employees around the world are delivering copies of MMP’s latest ASL release, Action Pack 6: A Decade of War, into the greedy little hands of ASLers. The thematic notion of the pack—essentially a scenario per year (not quite achieved) for ten different years of war—is not its appeal; the […]
01.31.10 Making Sausages
Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck once said, “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” I think a good case could be made that the same is true for ASL scenario playtesting and development. Most of the time, most ASL players don’t give much thought to how the scenario in […]
01.01.10 2009: The Year in ASL
Today is January 1. The Old Year has exited the map and the New Year is on the board edge, waiting for the MPh so it can enter. A propitious time, then, to take a look back at the year 2009 as it pertains to the Advanced Squad Leader world and even to offer a […]